Set SMART goals to GROW

It is very easy to draw tables and input the data but what happens when you are really down and don’t know where to start? I would say: Be prepared, plan and set your goals. Use the SMART or GROW or ITIA models that you may already be familiar with, or even create your own.

Models and Formulae

If you fail to plan you will plan to fail. For changes to be of any true value, they have got to be lasting and Consistent.

Anthony Robbins

As an NLP Practitioner, I have come across many individuals who found it difficult to follow certain models/ formulae. Whilst listening to their comments I decided to investigate and came up with my own model which I have called “C I P ©”. This model allows me to monitor the progress on own goals. I reviewed the goals which I have achieved in my life and what it was that kept me going. I wrote down phrases and words and noticed that few words came up again and again. I also observed similarity amongst famous individuals. The three key words were consistency, insistency and persistence.

When I thought I couldn’t go on, I forced myself to keep going. My success is based on Persistence, not luck.

Estee Lauder

I must emphasise that the middle word “Insistent” in C I P© model may be too strong and not applicable to everyone, but certainly Consistency and Persistence are relevant in almost everything we aim to achieve.

We know that our beliefs and values, self-confidence and self-esteem and our behaviour have an immense impact in achieving our goals. Once we have achieved our highest goal and feel on top of this world we must have the tools to maintain the energy and keep the success at the top. There are several success tools out in the world, which I highly respect. I have created my own seven success tools.